Reading Test
The two (2)-part Self-Assessment Reading Test that appears below will help you decide if you should consider taking the Oral Examination instead of the Written Examination. To complete the reading test, follow the instructions provided below and select the answer to each question. When you have completed the reading test, you will be able to determine the number of questions you answered correctly.
PART 1: Vocabulary
- Circle the best answer to each question.
- When you have finished, check your answers using the answer key on page 18.
- Count the number of correct answers.
- If your score is less than 17, you may have difficulty reading the Written Examination and should consider taking the Oral Examination.
1. You go to a doctor when you______.
(A) feel sleepy
(B) need socks
(C) feel sick
(D) need money
(E) need clothes
2. A person who flies an airplane is its______.
(A) pilot
(B) steward
(C) mother
(D) surgeon
(E) director
3. You use a _____ to write.
(A) bow
(B) calculator
(C) pencil
(D) carpenter
(E) needle
4. To EXIT a room means to______ it.
(A) enter
(B) leave
(C) forget
(D) read
(E) interrupt
5. A wedding is a joyous ______.
(A) focus
(B) vehicle
(C) balloon
(D) occasion
(E) civilization
6. To REQUIRE something means to ______ it.
(A) need
(B) have
(C) forget
(D) understand
(E) hear
7. You ______ something to find its length.
(A) slice
(B) lock
(C) measure
(D) force
(E) tape
8. Soup is served in a_______.
(A) plate
(B) bowl
(C) fork
(D) chair
(E) closet
9. To accompany someone means to ______.
(A) disagree with him
(B) work for him
(C) go with him
(D) speak to him
(E) choose him
10. A nursing home resident receives_______ from the staff.
(A) quality
(B) fame
(C) interruption
(D) care
(E) work
11. Medicine is used to________ pain.
(A) widen
(B) conjure
(C) enliven
(D) increase
(E) relieve
12. To DRENCH the flowers means to ________them.
(A) steam
(B) drink
(C) touch
(D) soak
(E) anger
13. A bicycle is a means of ______.
(A) nourishment
(B) transportation
(C) prediction
(D) collision
(E) walking
14. When someone speaks in a whisper it may be difficult to ______.
(A) deceive
(B) understand
(C) frighten
(D) estimate
(E) regulate
PART 2: Comprehension
In this part of the reading test, you will be provided with a series of brief paragraphs. You are to read each paragraph and then answer the questions that appear after the paragraph.
15. Fish live in _______.
(A) cups
(B) houses
(C) air
(D) water
(E) fountains
16. Fish use their ______ to swim.
(A) tails
(B) heads
(C) gills
(D) lungs
(E) floats
17. Maria has had experience as a _______.
(A) guide
(B) farmer
(C) driver
(D) nurse
(E) teacher
18. She would like to work in ________.
(A) an office
(B) a library
(C) a garden
(D) a hospital
(E) a supermarket
19. As a child Maria lived _______.
(A) in the city
(B) in an apartment
(C) on a farm
(D) in a large house
(E) on the beach
20. Carolyn works in a ________.
(A) hospital
(B) doctor’s office
(C) garage
(D) school
(E) library
21. One of the things Carolyn enjoys is ________.
(A) working in an office
(B) helping people
(C) reading books
(D) working late hours
(E) driving a car
22. With her salary she can pay her bills and _________.
(A) buy furniture
(B) give to charity
(C) save money
(D) buy new clothes
(E) pay for college
This completes the Self-Assessment Reading Test.
If your score is less than 17, you may have difficulty reading the Written Examination and should consider taking the Oral Examination in place of the Written Examination.